The Myth of Ageing

 Growing up, I believed that, well... "growing up" was a myth. I believed that everyone just 

stayed put in their period of life. My mom would stay by my side, no matter what 

challenges she faced, she would smack them down and still protect her little girl; my

 brothers would stay annoying teenage boys blasting music and playing video 

games till 2am; I would stay my dad's "little princess" and I would stay having little, to

 no, responsibility, but lord! Was I wrong. The truth is, nothing stays the same. It feels

 more than weird to think about leaving high school and think about living on my own, think

 about the career I will want to do for the rest of my life. It's not scary, I'm not afraid of what's

 to come, no, that's not it. It just feels bizarre, you know, strange to think that the unknown 

will soon become... known? When I came into high school, I thought that as soon as I 

stepped foot in the quad, I'd feel like a grown woman working and thriving in the business 

world with her little pooch in one hand and a latte in the other, but no. I still felt like a little 

jewish eighth grade girl, and guess what? I still do. Not only have I remained the same 

height since the fourth grade, but I also just feel like high school is my life, in a weird way. In

 reality, soon I'm going to be a 9 year old girl that is forced to pay taxes, live on her own, 

create a life for herself, and eventually make my own family. I'm going to be a 9 year old girl

 that is forced to live the life of a 27 year old woman and soon a 65 year old woman going 

through heat flashes. I know I am only 17 but damn, I feel so much older. This once newly 

"American-French girl" is now about to turn 18 though still feeling like that little girl. Soon, 

my parents won't be able to care for me. Rather, I'll be taking care of them. I'll be the one

 smacking down and beating up any barriers that get in the way of my family. My brothers 

will soon be giving me nephews and nieces that I will protect, and I will soon have a nine 

year old daughter to call my own. It's weird to know I've only lived a small fraction of my life,

 yet it feels like I've lived most of it. Im happy I was wrong about the concept of aging, hell,

the idea of having so much of my life ahead of me thrills me more than I can write in words.
